Journal of Business and Management Inaba
Journal of Business and Management Inaba was established in 2021 as an e-journal publication focused on research findings of economic empowerment strategy, it is a refereed journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific journal, collaborated and published by Inaba University, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. This journal is published in English and in two issues per year (June and December). Vision: This journal adopts a vision to disseminate and enlighten all aspects of economic empowerment strategy around the world. Mission: 1. To generate knowledge on the economic empowerment strategy based on various research findings; and 2. To do research dissemination and collaboration among parties who intends in research on economic empowerment strategy.
Journal of Accounting Inaba
Journal of Accounting Inaba was established in 2021 as an e-journal publication focused on research findings of economic empowerment strategy, it is a refereed journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific journal, collaborated and published by Inaba University, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. This journal is published in English and in two issues per year (June and December). Vision: This journal adopts a vision to disseminate and enlighten all aspects of accounting empowerment strategy around the world. Mission: 1. To generate knowledge on the accounting empowerment strategy based on various research findings.; and 2. To do research dissemination and collaboration among parties who intend to research on accounting empowerment strategy.
Inaba of Community Services Journal
Inaba of Community Services Journal was established in 2021 as an e-journal publication focused on research findings of community services, it is a refereed journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific journal, collaborated and published by Inaba University, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. This journal is published in English and in two issues per year (June and December). Vision: This journal adopts a vision to disseminate and enlighten all aspects of community services around the world. Mission: 1. To generate knowledge on the accounting empowerment strategy based on various research findings. And 2. To do research dissemination and collaboration among parties who intend to research on community services.
Journal of Digital Communication Science
Journal of Digital Communication Science is an open access scientific journal that contains articles written from research and study reports on Digital Communication and information science with ISSN 2963-6019 and e-ISSN 2964-3333. This journal is Published 2 times a year (March and September) by Communication Studies Program Universitas Indonesia Membangun, Bandung. West Java. Indonesia
Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi: Media Bahasan, Analisa dan Aplikasi
Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi merupakan jurnal kelimuan bidang Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer yang memuat tulisan-tulisan ilmiah mengenai penelitian-penelitian murni dan terapan di bidang sistem informasi dan sistem komputer serta ulasan-ulasan umum tentang perkembangan teori, metode, dan ilmu-ilmu terapan terkait. Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Publikasi dan Kerja sama (LPKS) Universitas Indonesia Membangun d/h STMIK Indonesia.
Inaba Journal Of Psychology
Inaba Journal of Psychology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published two times a year (March and September) by Department of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia Membangun. The IJOP focuses on promoting the development of psychology through publishing research articles with novel findings and scientific and rigorous methodologies from following psychology-related topics:
- Clinical Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Psychometrics
- Applied Psychology
Inaba Journal of Psychology accepts any empirical research manuscript with above topics that meet standard publication.
Jurnal Indonesia Membangun
Jurnal Indonesia Membangun adalah suatu jurnal multidisiplin berskala nasional yang mencakup berbagai pokok persoalan dalam kajian ilmu-ilmu sosial. Secara khusus jurnal menaruh perhatian, namun tidak hanya terbatas, pada pokok-pokok persoalan tentang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan termasuk politik, hukum dan ekonomi; pembangungan ekonomi dan perubahan sosial termasuk di dalamnya antara lain pokok-pokok persoalan tentang gender, pemberdayaan masyarakat, kelembagaan sosial dan pemerintahan, sistem pengetahuan lokal, dan kesehatan masyarakat.
Tujuan dari jurnal ini adalah menyebarluaskan pemikiran-pemikiran konseptual maupun hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai.
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