About the Journal

INABA Journal of Psychology (IJOP) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published two times a year (January-June and July-December) by Departement of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia Membangun. The IJOP focuses on promoting the development of psychology through publishing research articles with novel findings and scientific and rigorous methodologies from following psychology-related topics:

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Psychometrics
  • Applied Psychology

INABA Journal of Psychology (IJOP) accepts any empirical research manuscript with above topics that meet standard publication.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Inaba Journal of Psychology, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, 2024
Published: 2024-09-30


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Inaba Journal of Psychology (ISSN 2964-3074/e-ISSN 2964-3066) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and study reports on psychology and  applied science.

Inaba Journal of Psychology published twice a year on March and September publised by Psychology Study Program, Universitas Indonesia Membangun. The Journal Aims to Develop and publish various  scientific perspectives on psychological research in organizational behavior, Personnel psychology, Consumer behavior, Life Span-Development, Abnormal Psychology, mental health, group behavior, Ergonomics, Educational, Psychometrics, and applied psychology.

Article are written in Bahasa and English. All manuscripts submitted to INABA Journal of Psychology (IJOP) must follow Focus and Scope and Author Guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must fulfill scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope of this journal. Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by peer-reviewers.